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Payment Policy

Updated on 06/13/2024

1. Payment Terms :

During the checkout at our website you can select the following secure payment methods :

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover)
  • Debit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover)
  • Bank transfer
  • International Bank Transfer (with SWIFT CODE)

We use Stripe, Inc. as our payment gateway.

If you have any questions please contact our customer service: contact@essentialcareplus.com


2. Security :

essentialcareplus.com takes appropriate precautions to protect your personal information. When you submit sensitive information via our web site (name, mailing address, email address, phone number, credit card data, etc.), your information is protected.
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate creates an encrypted link between our web site and your web browser. This link ensures that all sensitive data passed between our site and your web browser remains private and secure before it travels over the internet. SSL technology is the industry standard for secure online transactions.
This secure mode begins when you initiate your order. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom or top of your web browser. Also, when accessing a secure server, the site address will show “https” in your browser.


3. Late Payments :

Invoices not paid within 7 days will lead to the systematic cancellation of the order, particularly orders by bank transfer.


4. Billing Disputes :

Any disputes regarding billing must be submitted in writing within 2 days of receipt of the invoice at contact@essentialcareplus.com. Failure to dispute within this period will be considered as an acknowledgment of the invoice’s accuracy.


5. Taxes and Duties :

Prices listed in the shop do not include applicable taxes, duties, or shipping charges unless otherwise stated. The customer is responsible for any such additional charges unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.


6. Refunds :

Refunds will be issued in accordance with our ESSENTIAL CARE PLUS refund policy, available upon our website or on request. Refunds may be subject to deductions for any applicable fees or charges.


7. Cancellation Policy :

Cancellation of orders or services may be subject to fees or charges as outlined in our cancellation policy, available upon our website or on request.


8. Right to Suspend Services :

ESSENTIAL CARE PLUS reserves the right to suspend services or withhold further deliveries until outstanding invoices are paid in full.


9. Changes to Billing Terms :

We reserves the right to modify the payment policy at any time. Customers will be notified of any changes in writing or via email.


10. Payment issues :

If you run into issues during the payment, kindly contact us by email at contact@essentialcareplus.com. We are happy to help.

By engaging in business with ESSENTIAL CARE PLUS, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these billing terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns regarding billing, please contact us at contact@essentialcareplus.com


 +1 505-523-1510
